Arthroscopic wrist surgery, a minimally invasive procedure, has revolutionized the treatment of various orthopedic conditions affecting the wrist. Dr. Steven Struhl, an esteemed orthopedic surgeon specializing in joint treatment and arthroscopic orthopedic surgery, offers insights into five common orthopedic conditions that may necessitate arthroscopic wrist surgery.

1. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes compressed at the wrist. This condition can lead to numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and fingers. In cases where conservative treatments such as splinting and corticosteroid injections fail to provide relief, arthroscopic release of the carpal tunnel may be recommended to alleviate pressure on the median nerve.

2. Wrist Fractures

Wrist fractures, particularly those involving the scaphoid or the distal radius, are common orthopedic injuries that may require surgical intervention. Arthroscopic wrist surgery can be performed to realign fractured bones, stabilize the wrist joint, and promote proper healing. This minimally invasive approach allows for precise fracture reduction and fixation while minimizing tissue trauma and accelerating recovery.

3. Wrist Ligament or Tendon Tears

Ligament and tendon tears in the wrist, such as injuries to the scapholunate ligament or triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC), can result from trauma or repetitive stress. Arthroscopic wrist surgery enables Dr. Steven Struhl to visualize and repair damaged ligaments with greater precision compared to traditional open surgery. By addressing ligament instability and restoring wrist stability and strength, arthroscopic surgery can help alleviate pain and prevent further joint damage.

4. Ganglion Cysts

Ganglion cysts are noncancerous lumps that often develop near joints or tendons, including the wrist. While some ganglion cysts may resolve spontaneously or respond to nonsurgical treatments, such as aspiration or corticosteroid injections, others may require surgical excision. Arthroscopic removal of ganglion cysts allows for direct visualization and precise removal of the cyst while minimizing scarring and postoperative discomfort.

5. Wrist Arthritis

Wrist arthritis, characterized by inflammation and degeneration of the wrist joint, can cause chronic pain, stiffness and reduced range of motion. When conservative measures such as medication, splinting and physical therapy fail to provide adequate relief, arthroscopic wrist surgery may be considered. Procedures such as wrist debridement, joint lavage or partial wrist fusion can help alleviate symptoms and improve joint function in patients with wrist arthritis and chronic pain.

Arthroscopic wrist surgery offers a minimally invasive and highly effective approach to treating a variety of orthopedic conditions affecting the wrist. Under the expertise of Dr. Steven Struhl, patients can benefit from advanced techniques and personalized care to address their specific orthopedic needs. If you are experiencing wrist pain, instability or dysfunction, schedule a consultation with Dr. Struhl at Shoulders & Knees to explore your treatment options and regain optimal wrist health. Contact our office in NYC or Westchester, NY, to book your appointment with Dr. Steven Struhl.